Our Founder

Hemant Chaudhary

An international thought leader, pioneer and an impact collaborator in the areas of circular economy, ESG, and climate change response. Hemant works extensively on global initiatives with the UN, World Bank, Australian Government and international agencies.

A 31 year career spanning continents, working with large corporations, governments, peak industry bodies, and venture capital investors.

Undertook major assignments on multi- billion-dollar projects of significant scale, sensitivity and impact.

Established Circular Economy Alliance Australia (CEAA), Circular360 – Global Centre of Excellence in Circular Economy, Maharashtra Australia Sustainable Energy Alliance and forthcoming Coolgardie Regional Transformation Alliance.

Hemant Chaudhary

Founder and Managing Director, Circular Economy Alliance Australia

Developed and introduced the iconic ‘Global Leadership Program on the Circular Economy’, an executive leadership program in collaboration with UNCRD and the South Australian Government.

Strong advocate for collective impact involving multiple actors from governments, private sector, experts, and community groups to solve complex environmental issues.

A prolific public speaker – delivered more than 300 presentations around the world.

Regional Transformation

Over the last 3 decades, we are proud to have played a stellar role in the

transformative journey of South Australia as a leader in the Circular Economy.

Waste Reuse and Recycling
0 %
energy from renewables
0 %
Recycling of waste water
0 %

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